During these difficult times with Coronavirus and being in lockdown, it's bad enough not being able to use your Classic Car for a nice sunny drive in the countryside. Equally, when the lockdown does end, you won't want to be stuck in a que with everyone else that wants their Classic Car serviced. You will be wanting to jump straight in it and take it out for a drive while the weather is still glorious and get some use before winter sets in.
At our Carrot Town Garage Service Centre we've got you covered with all your servicing requirements during the Coronavirus lockdown. If you'd like to get any work done on your Classic Car, whether it's refurbishment, spraying, servicing or a safety check, then Carrot Town Garage Service Centre can collect your Classic Car directly from your home. We'll then drive it to our service garage, carry out all the required servicing work that is requested and required. Once this is completed, we will then safely return your Classic Car to your home. You do not need to have any contact with us or our collection driver during this. If you wish to be present during the pick-up or return of you Classic Car, then we will observe strict social distancing at all times. We can service all types of Classic Cars as well as Classic American Car Servicing.
So, if you want to make use of this lockdown period, beat the rush once lockdown is lifted and make sure your Classic Car is fully serviced, feel free to contact us.